Different costumes with different styles of underwear, this statement I think most of the female friends should feel empathy, if you do not care about the underwear with, a lot of time will give you an awkward situation. Xiao Bian today to teach some on the underwear with wearing skills, to create a perfect image of yourself.


Most of the V-neck dress is the outline of the "hourglass-shaped" to show, or the belly about the skirt open, can hold the lower body fat is no problem, then the upper body how to do? At this time you need to select a body sculpting underwear, wear the same attention to the use of "dial", "squeeze", "push" and other practices, so that the excess fat homing, so that the above you become plump.

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Bra underwear is your best partner when you're looking through clothes in perspective. Bra underwear in the choice of the best choice when there is lace fabric, in the perspective installed slightly exposed lace lace, will be more sexy and charming.

Picture Source: Experience brand underwear


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