Since Lin Qiang won the company's sales champion, the honor has also come one after another, has been rated as the company's "sales pace", "sales king", "advanced workers", "winning business personnel" and a series of honorary titles. The acquisition of these honors, for many people, as long as he is an ordinary person, will involuntarily have a feeling of euphoria, floating and feeling. For Lin Qiang, this is the result of his hard work, and his sales champion is not so easy. How much sweat has flowed, how many grievances have been suffered, how much of his own spare time has been sacrificed, how many tongues have been spent, and even endured by the heart and soul, and the tears are not flowing out, not being discovered by others... All these are only clear in his heart.

If you want people to be expensive, you must be sinned afterwards. It is inevitable that there will be a lot of agreement with the marketing of Lin Qiang, who has been doing marketing for ten years. However, he had never thought about winning the championship. He just wanted to work hard on his sales, because he likes to sell this challenging and enduring career. Through his own efforts, Lin Qiang finally achieved the sales champion, he thought he was awesome!

Although Lin Qiang has also done some product sales in the past, such as home appliances, real estate, books, etc., but ultimately did not make any name. Later, Lin Qiang changed his career and switched from selling the milk industry to selling medical and health care products. This is five years. In the first two years, Lin Qiang had no experience. He just followed others to do it, learning while doing, learning while doing, and his sales performance was flat, so he was a plain and even mediocre person in the company. In the third year of his medical and health care products, Lin Qiang seems to have become a squatting sorghum like a squatting sorghum. He suddenly rises to a new level, and his performance is as fast as a hot balloon. Like a mercury column that has been climbed up by heat radiation.

By the end of the year, he had not only completed the tasks for the whole year, but also recorded a record of overfulfilling tasks every month. He became the company's "sales champion" and actually reported a big upset to the company.

What is even more commendable is that Lin Qiang has been keeping records for three years and has continuously become the "three crowns". He has become a company from general manager to grassroots employees, and from sales staff to logistics support staff, he is deeply surprised and happy. I guessed a "mystery." How did Lin Qiang do it?

Although the company had let Lin Qiang talk about some experience in the past, Lin Qiang really talked about it. What makes people feel incredible is that Lin Qiang talked about the so-called experience, experience and sales skills. Novelty, many sales people think they can do it. Therefore, everyone’s title to Lin Qiang’s sales champion came so fast, and he questioned whether there is any nickname and reputation. But the fact is, in the company, which sales person is like him, is the "three consecutive championships", and the throne of the sales king is still sitting so firmly!

In order to relieve everyone's doubts, Lin Qiang also told his sales shackles. As a sales champion, he actually strictly followed the success warning of “doing one thing more perfect and doing it well”, in fact, this is the big secret that he is not a secret! Sales champion Lin Qiang believes that marketing has its own similarities. Although the products are different, but the channels are similar or similar, he highlights three key indicators of his success:

First, the hard work of sales

Lin Qiang believes that almost none of Fancheng’s people are not due to diligence. Despite years of sales work, he constantly reminds himself that you must not be lazy as many marketers do sales and do business. And his requirement for himself is that sales must not only be diligent, but also have patience and perseverance.

Of course, diligence plays a decisive role in it, especially in the medical and health care products industry. The products are shipped in large quantities and need to be visited continuously. It is necessary to continuously communicate with hospitals, departments, doctors and patients in the medical market. It is constantly in contact with pharmacies, cabinets, clerk and consumers in the OTC market to become more familiar with their needs. And this requires their own diligence to achieve, otherwise, their own market will soon shrink. Lin Qiang’s sales performance in the first two years of the company was unremarkable, and then it was a skyrocketing one. It’s because he is constantly impressing his customers with this kind of “hard work” and realizing his own value-added Sales performance improved.

In addition, Lin Qiang often conducts SWOT analysis on himself. This makes him more aware of his strengths and weaknesses, to play his own advantages, to avoid threats from inside and outside, and to find the right opportunities to achieve breakthroughs. He made a SWOT analysis of himself and listed: advantage + opportunity = development; advantage + threat = resistance; disadvantage + opportunity = fight; disadvantage + threat = conservative. This is both a strategic strategy of its own and a strict requirement for itself.

Lin Qiang uses the strategies and strategic solutions generated by brainstorming to implement “hard work”. Some of them may be obtained by other methods and can only be completed with diligent execution. Lin Qiang used his "four Qin" and his "four thousand" to encourage himself: "The mouth is diligent - say a thousand words; the legs are diligent - go thousands of miles; the heart is diligent - eat thousands of hardships Brain diligence - want to do everything possible.

Second, the unremitting goal and pursuit of goals

Relative to the sales staff - "Zhidang saves high and far" has always been highly respected by Lin Qiang. He believes that as a company it is for profit. From his experience in many years of sales, companies generally do not degrade their sales staff's tasks over time. He has stayed in several companies. When he is doing sales, the sales tasks of each salesperson are increasing every year. Even when the market with poor sales performance is under the task, it is more maintenance and the previous one. The target status of the target is flat. No one can persuade the boss of the company to automatically push down the target responsibility, otherwise it is a denial of oneself.

Lin Qiang understands this very well. He secretly adds a target weight to himself. After the company sets a reasonable annual mission goal, he will secretly add his own weight. The total weight of his task is much larger than The mission goal of sales reimbursement as stipulated by the company. Lin Qiang does not ask himself according to the company's sales tasks, but implements and completes according to the tasks that have been measured and formulated in his own mind.

This means that your mission objectives are very challenging. Therefore, it is an important measure for Lin Qiang to win the “three consecutive championships” for his own pressure and unremitting pursuit of his own sales target. That is to say, if a person has a point of ability, he will set a goal of one point. This is wrong because the set goal is not challenging and does not conform to the philosophy of "wolf". Lin Qiang is positioning himself. "If he has 100 abilities, he will set himself a goal of 120 points or higher."

In this way, if the target of a sales task is measured and tested by quantity, quality, time and cost, then the salesperson will have the feeling that “Confucius will go to Dongshan and Xiaolu, Dengtaishan and the world”, the company has formulated The goal will be much smaller in mind, and it will not be much more difficult to complete, it will be more sure. If you have been rushing to the sales target set in your mind and have achieved good results, then it will naturally make your performance exceed the task. This is expected. Lin Qiang won the "sales champion" is not a A strange thing.

Third, the trust and loyalty of customers

A salesperson is like a "big tree", and a customer is like a "monkey" crawling over a tree, forming a dependency relationship with each other. In order to attract more monkeys, “Big Tree” must make itself grow stronger and become more leafy, providing monkeys with the best services to protect the monkeys from playing with the wind and sheltering the sun. Safety. Otherwise, the tragedy of the tree will often happen.

Lin Qiang knows this well, so he is constantly gaining customer loyalty and trust. In order to gain the trust and loyalty of customers, we must first make trust and loyalty, we must not make mistakes to our customers, and we must not falsify our customers. We treat our customers with sincerity and sincerity to meet customers and sales staff. And the "win-win" of the three parties of the enterprise, this is also the ultimate goal pursued by the three parties.

This is the “creating value for customers” that sales people often hang on their lips. It is impossible to describe the salesperson and the customer as a simple use and utilization relationship, and the salesperson cannot think about himself for the sake of himself. When I do something for the customer, I feel that I will suffer, so I care about it and treat the customer "stolen work." It is both self and business that are destroyed. When Lin Qiang is taking customers' loyalty and trust, he often considers these questions: What can I do for customers? What benefits can my behavior bring to my customers? Is the "commercial game" between me and my customers logical and regular? .

These ideas and practices of Lin Qiang have invisibly returned to the 4C theory that we often advocate in marketing, that is, “customers want to need, purchase convenience and cost, and two-way communication. This kind of words and deeds is not the traditional 4P proposed in the past. Theory. Although Lin Qiang is not familiar with the 4P and 4C theories, he practices the 4C theory through his own practical actions, enabling him to “fall”.

Sales champion Lin Qiang has become a veritable sales champion with his sense of responsibility and artistry for sales, and his unique interpretation of sales, which makes sales a fulfilling way to realize his dream of success. At the same time, through Lin Qiang's three successful “advices”, more sales people understand that when you are engaged in selling products, you are also selling your personal life. The function cannot become a necessity. Is it because you can Persist in finding self-understanding and understanding of marketing.

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