Domestic sports brands vs. international brands

The Chinese giant came back, the German chariot came, and the French magical boy came... The NBA foreign superstar came to China for the Sri Lankan Cup. Their dazzling aura made the 06 Sri Lanka Cup look extremely eye-catching. However, as a world-class basketball game, behind the huge stars, more will be the dark battle of many sports brands.

On August 12, the press conference of the Stankovic Cup announced that China’s Peak as the exclusive designated sponsor of sporting goods had second handed this Stankovic Cup. By then, all referees, cheerleaders, and domestic and foreign workers in the Spaniards will wear clothing with a distinctive Peak logo.

At the same time, as the only sports equipment sponsor brand of the Australian national team, Peak will also provide the Australian national team with full game equipment, including the subsequent World Men's Basketball Championship in Japan. This means that Peak will compete with international brands such as Adidas and Nike in this important international basketball competition this summer to show the image of Chinese national brands to global audiences.

According to industry sources, how to use the international top events to achieve internationalization is an important issue facing the national sports brand in the future. The success of Peak provided a useful exploration of this topic.